Wednesday, December 9, 2009


So the other day I was sitting around, trying to think of some ideas for my final project for first semester. It has to be a series, and a really random thought came to mind. Scars. I could take a picture of people's scars with good stories behind them, take a picture of the person, and maybe have a little quote next to them, from the story they tell me about their scar. I had it all panned out in my head and thought "wow, this could be pretty sweet". So today I decided to try it out and see what I could do to create this series, how the layout would be and stuff.
These are just a couple examples of what I have in mind, kind of a sneak peak if I do decide to use this idea for my final series.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea. Only thing that I would make sure to include in some way shape or form is to tell the viewer how the accident happened. For the young boy one, what happened? how did he get cut open?

