Friday, May 7, 2010

Camera Obscura

Abelardo Morell was my inspiration for this project, basically his stuff is amazing. I really wanna be able to get some shots like that someday

On Wednesday I made a camera obscura in my room
I covered both of my windows with black garbage bags and cut a small square in one of them

This was my setup. Just used my tripod with a 30 second shutter speed WHICH SUCKED
I tried it on bulb but my hand on the shutter was too unsteady and messed up the picture
Anyways, these are my results
very noisy because my iso was at 1600, the only way i could get enough light with 30 seconds


  1. This is freaking awesome. Great job. Try this again with the methods that we discussed and I think that the quality on them will be awesome. Get the ISO down, longer shutter speed and it will look awesome. Great job.

